Chit Chat

Tech Stack:

Tailwind CSS
React JS
Mongo DB
  • Chit Chat is a dynamic and user-friendly social media web application designed to facilitate seamless communication and interaction between users.
  • Users can create accounts and securely log in to access personalized features and content.
  • The app allows users to upload their photos and manage them efficiently, giving them the ability to delete photos as needed.
  • Users can interact with the content of other users by liking posts and following or unfollowing other users to curate their feed.
  • To ensure secure image storage and retrieval, the project utilizes Cloudinary, a powerful cloud-based media management solution.
  • The application is built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack, providing a robust and scalable foundation for development.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are employed to manage user authentication and authorization, ensuring data privacy and protection.
  • User passwords are securely hashed using the Bcrypt hashing algorithm, enhancing account security.
  • The UI of the web app is thoughtfully designed using Tailwind CSS, providing an aesthetically pleasing and responsive user experience.
  • Advanced search functionality is incorporated, enabling users to find specific content or users efficiently through search APIs.

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