Note taking web app

Tech Stack:

MERN Stack
React JS
Mongo DB
  • This application is a user-friendly note-taking platform that allows users to create, manage, and organize their personal notes effectively.
  • Users have the option to log in using their Google accounts, making the registration process hassle-free and quick.
  • Once logged in, users can easily add, delete, and update their notes according to their preferences and requirements.
  • To share their notes with others, users can take advantage of the sharing feature, enabling them to collaborate and exchange information seamlessly.
  • When a user shares a note with others, the application automatically sends an email notification to the recipients, ensuring effective communication.
  • The application is built on the popular MERN Stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, ensuring a robust and efficient foundation for development.
  • User authentication and security are enhanced through the use of JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure user session management and Bcrypt for password hashing and encryption.
  • To provide a smooth and intuitive user experience, the application includes search APIs that enable users to find specific notes quickly and effortlessly.
  • Additionally, the pagination feature ensures that users can easily navigate through their notes, especially when managing a large number of entries.
  • The application is equipped with Nodemailer, a powerful email sending library in Node.js, which handles the email notifications efficiently.
  • Overall, this feature-rich note-taking application offers a comprehensive and convenient solution for users to organize their thoughts, collaborate with others, and stay productive.

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